Streamling The Process
Services can be booked by contacting us directly ( or online using our booking system!
ALL appointments require a $150.00 NON REFUNDABLE deposit (but is TRANSFERABLE) that MUST be made within 24 hours of booking your appointment. Failure to make this deposit within the 24 hour time frame will automatically forfeit your appointment time and will be cancelled.
Although all deposits are NON REFUNDABLE, they are transferable and will be applied to the remaining amount due. Please see more information below on deposits and expiration dates.
All new clients must complete a 1 time waiver (per service type - Brows vs. Permanent Makeup) of consent prior to booking their appointment. Clients must read the entire document and sign to confirm their consent o the service. This shouldn't take more than 15 minutes to complete. This must be completed within 72 hours prior to your appointment in order to continue with the procedure. We absolutely cannot perform our services on you without having your consent form documented.
If booking your appointment online - you will automatically see a prompt to the waiver along with additional information to prep you for our appointment. You will also receive an email and/or text notification from our system with the appointment date and time that you've reserved. This should be an immediate process - if you fail to receive this notification, something went wrong during your booking. Please submit your request again or contact us directly. All appointment requests are submitted to Huemon Beauty for review before approval. Please wait up to 24 hours after submission to receive a final confirmation from our specialist who will request to confirm your deposit. You will have up to 24 hours to make your deposit. Your deposit will secure appointment. If you fail to make a deposit, your appointment will be cancelled and you will have to schedule a new appointment again.
If you book directly through us, we will send you an email confirmation outlining the same exact information as you would receive if you were to make your appointment online. It's VERY important to ensure you check your spam folder to make sure none of the email's from us go there.
Your invoice for the deposit will be sent to you via PayPal. You will have 24 hours to make your deposit from the time you book your appointment. Please also check to make sure this does not go through to you spam.
A few day prior to your appointment, we will send an appointment reminder to your email. The day before your appointment, we will send you a text reminder. Please confirm and review the information in our message as it will include pre-appointment protocols.
S c h e d u l i n g A T o u c h - up
BROWS, EYELINER & FRECKLES - Your initial service will come with a 4-6 week touch up. You MUST schedule this appointment ahead of time! We courage our clients to schedule their 4-6 week touch up at the time of scheduling their initial appointment since we cannot guarantee an appointment spot sooner than what is available online at the time of rescheduling.
Initial touch ups that are scheduled after the 4-6 week (8 week max) time frame will be charged an additional $100.00 for scheduling inconvenience. We appreciate and care about your time - please treat us the same.
LIPS - Your intial service will come with a 8-10 week touch up
D e p o s i t s & P a y m e n t s
All services require a deposit. All deposits are $150.00. Although deposits are transferable, they are non refundable. Your deposit will be applied to the remaining balance of the service.
If an appointment is cancelled more than 72 hours (3 days) prior to the appointment date, the remaining balance (not including the initial $150.000 deposit) will be refunded to you.
Payments towards an appointment that needs to be rescheduled will transfer to the new appointment date. We do not request an additional fee to reschedule appointments however, we cannot guarantee that there will be an spot variable near to your original appointment date.
Payments at the time of service can be made with any credit/debit card, exact cash or Paypal
Cancelations & L a t e F e e s
Clients who cancel at minimum of 24 hours before their appointment will not incur a fee.
Clients who cancel less than 24 hours in advance will be charged with a $25.00 fee.
Please arrive 5-10 minutes prior to your appointment. Clients who are more than 15 minutes to late their appointment will be charged with a$25.00 late fee that will need to be paid prior to starting their appointment. We care about our clients time and being this late will cut into the time/preparation of our next appointment.
Clients who are more than 25 minutes late will need to reschedule their appointment an will be charged with a $35.00 late fee. No Shows who reschedule their appointment will need to pay a $50.00 late fee. No shows that occur a 2nd time will result in a client termination notice.